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Table 8 Coefficient estimates of the multivariate probit model (p values in parentheses)

From: Factors that influence the implementation of sustainable land management practices by rural households in Tigrai region, Ethiopia

Explanatory variables

Dependent variables (choice of SLM practices)

Physical measures




Households characteristics

 Years of schooling

− 0.043 (0.25)

− 0.055 (0.1)

− 0.0014 (0.9)

0.075 (0.1)

 Labor availability

0.099 (0.07)

− 0.217 (0.02)

− 0.056 (0.5)

0.1009 (0.36)

 Dummy male

− 0.185 (0.5)

0.275 (0.86)

0.673 (0.05)

− 0.972 (0.01)

Farming system-related variables

 Plot size

0.183 (0.04)

0.027 (0.75)

0.017 (0.81)

− 0.204 (0.04)

 Farm input

0.00025 (0.08)

0.00032 (0.01)

0.00022 (0.08)

− 0.00035 (0.04)

 Irrigation access

0.33 (0.45)

0.468 (0.1)

0.015 (0.96)

− 2.979 (0.97)


0.943 (0.000)

0.101 (0.74)

− 0.119 (0.68)

− 0.742 (0.03)

Plot level attributes and agro-ecology

 Gentle slope (steep as a reference)

− 0.426 (0.09)

0.662 (0.04)

0.700 (0.03)

− 0.472 (0.2)

 Medium slope (steep as a reference)

− 0.38 (0.1)

0.398 (0.1)

0.576 (0.04)

− 0.329 (0.34)

 Begashka (Hintalo as a reference)

1.747 (0.000)

0.28 (0.5)

0.16 (0.71)

− 2.463 (0.000)

 Kaal-amin (Hintalo as a reference)

1.666 (0.000)

− 0.58 (0.1)

− 0.311 (0.48)

− 2.672 (0.000)

Institutional supports and infrastructure

 Extension service

− 0.008 (0.02)

− 0.00068 (0.8)

− 0.00016 (0.96)

0.011 (0.01)

 Market access

0.001 (0.8)

− 0.008 (0.06)

− 0.006 (0.1)

0.003 (0.5)

 Credit access

− 0.655 (0.002)

0.428 (0.09)

0.527 (0.03)

− 0.412 (0.1)


0.194 (0.85)

− 2.111 (0.06)

− 1.693 (0.08)

0.954 (0.42)

 Model summary

Log likelihood = − 184.11

Likelihood ratio test Chi2 (21) = 16.7, Prob > chi2 = 0.000

Prob > chi2 = 0.0011

Log likelihood = − 184.11