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Table 2 The land use/land cover (LULC) categories of Bahir Dar City and their descriptions

From: The impacts of land-use and land-cover change on wetland ecosystem service values in peri-urban and urban area of Bahir Dar City, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia

LULC categories


Cultivated land

Areas covered with annual crops, vegetables, fruits, Khat plantations, including irrigated land

Grazing land

Land covered primarily with grasses having scattered trees serving as pasture and grazing cattle


Land covered with relatively dense forest, open forest, shrubs, church forests, trees scatted in the city, riverine forests and Eucalyptus plantations

Water body

Refers to river and stream courses, lakes, ponds and open water in the wetland. Irrigation canals also included

Built-up area

Areas covered with buildings constructed for residential, commercial and industrial purposes, and transport facilities such as roads and airport. Sport fields and stadiums are also part of this category.


Areas consisted of papyrus and phragmites swamps along with the river banks and the lakeshore areas. Swampy areas, meadows, either or seasonal or permanent waterlogged, supporting hydrophytic plants degraded with human activities considered as wetlands