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Fig. 6 | Ecological Processes

Fig. 6

From: Nitrogen addition mediates the response of foliar stoichiometry to phosphorus addition: a meta-analysis

Fig. 6

Relative importance of soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability and N and P resorption efficiency with respect to the response ratio (RR) of the foliar N and P concentrations and their ratios under P addition without N addition (a, c) and with N addition (b, d). The partial least squares (PLS) standardized coefficients show the directions and magnitudes of the effects of each variable on the foliar N and P concentrations and their ratios. Variable importance in projections (VIP) values greater than 1 indicated that the influence was significant at p < 0.05, and higher VIP values indicate a greater importance in determining the foliar N and P concentrations and their ratios. NRE N resorption efficiency, PRE P resorption efficiency, soil N soil N availability, soil P soil P availability

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