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Table 1 Description of local and landscape-scale land cover classes within study area

From: Influence of land cover features on avian community and potential conservation priority areas for biodiversity at a Ramsar site in India


Land use land cover classes


Local scale

Water area

Areas with standing water cover

Dikes and banks

Areas of embankment for controlling or holding the waters of the bheri and ponds

Agricultural field

Arable land for different crops, vegetables

Tree cover

Area of the tree canopy area when viewed from above

Open ground

Areas of fallow lands play grounds and barren lands

Built-up area

Areas of house, buildings, etc

Landscape scale


Areas of bheri, ponds, and lakes

Dikes and banks

Areas of embankment for controlling or holding the waters of the bheri and ponds

Emergent vegetation

Areas where marsh, uncultivated shrubs and bushes were seen to grow

Agricultural field

Arable land with standing crops, vegetables

Fallow lands

Arable land without standing crops, vegetables

Tree cover

Area of the tree canopy area when viewed from above


Areas of urban and rural settlements

Barren lands

Areas of without any vegetation cover