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Fig. 4 | Ecological Processes

Fig. 4

From: Body size induced changes in metabolic carbon of soil nematodes under N deposition and precipitation regime change in a temperate grassland

Fig. 4

The nematode CWM mass and CUE were related to environmental factors by partial Mantel tests (A). Partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) showing the effects of N addition and precipitation intensity on nematode CUE (B). Plant was indicated by AGB, BGB and species richness. Numbers adjoining the arrows indicate path coefficients, and the arrow width is proportional to the strength of the association. Red arrows represent significant positive relationships and blue arrows represent significant negative relationships (P < 0.05). R2 values indicate the variance of variables accounted for by the model. Community-weighted mean = CWM, carbon use efficiency = CUE, soil moisture = SM, soil organic carbon = SOC, dissolved organic carbon = DOC, total soil nitrogen = TN, total soil phosphorus = TP, microbial biomass carbon = MBC, microbial biomass nitrogen = MBN, aboveground biomass = AGB, belowground biomass = BGB

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