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Table 1 LTM model parameters

From: A methodological approach to urban land-use change modeling using infill development pattern—a case study in Tabriz, Iran




Population density

Distribution of population in deferent district

Based on number of people in 2005 general census

Distance from education centers

Buffering distance from existing schools

Tabriz land-use map and buffer method analyses from ArcGIS spatial analyses tools

Distance from hospital centers

Buffering distance from existing hospital with urban and regional function

Tabriz land-use map and buffer method analyses from ArcGIS spatial analyses tools

Distance from main roads

Buffering distance from arterial and sub-arterial roads

Tabriz land-use map and buffer method analyses from ArcGIS spatial analyses tools

Distance from parks

Access to urban parks

Tabriz land-use map and buffer method analyses from ArcGIS spatial analyses tools

Worn-out texture

The approved worn-out tissue maps

Tabriz worn-out tissues plan in the Road and Urban Panning Organization

Directions of development in master and regional plans

Proposals of development direction

Proposals in master and regional plan of Tabriz in the Road and Urban Panning Organization

Proposed urban development direction by local governments

Local government proposal for development direction

Urban management approvals to provide future urban land development based on existing national lands and cheap lands

Unsuitable urban land use

Abandoned lands and buildings, military barracks, heavy and pollutant industrial centers, terminals

Urban land-use map


Satellite images and Tabriz topography map


Satellite images and Tabriz topography map

Urban land cover in 1989

Satellite images classified and urban land-cover map produced

Multitemporal Landsat thematic mapper (TM)

Urban land cover in 2005

Satellite images classified and urban land-cover map produced

SPOT image

Exclusionary map

Exclusionary map is the determination cells which we do not want to include in the analysis that includes protected lands, parks, etc.

Urban land-use map and urban land-cover map from satellite images