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Table 2 Key aspects of the FGDs commonly discussed in every village

From: Explaining farmers’ reluctance to adopt recommendations for sustainable ecosystem management

Section I: understanding current challenges in agriculture

 Is water scarcity during the irrigation period (July–August) a problem in your village?

 On a scale of 1–5 (5 = serious problem and 1 = no problem at all), how would you describe the gravity of the problem?

 Does the quality of irrigation water affect your agricultural productivity?

 On a scale of 1–5 (5 = serious problem and 1 = no problem at all), how would you describe the gravity of the problem?

 Do traditional irrigation methods (flood/furrow) contribute to water scarcity?

 On a scale of 1–5 (5 = serious problem and 1 = no problem at all), how would you describe the gravity of the problem?

 What kinds of crops are grown in the area?

 Do you agree with the proposed crop choice?

 On a scale of 1–5 (5 = serious problem and 1 = no problem at all) how would you describe the gravity of the problem?

Section II: to understand the effect of the proposed changes in terms of what the new scenario would entail (positive and negative) as compared to current practices

 Time spent in agriculture production

 Cost of production

 Farming practices (planting, weeding, harvesting)

 Overall quality of life?